Avoid tab groups

Tab groups are a sub-par solution used in a couple of scenarios:

  • A page has become bloated with content and the designer seeks to condense even more information into a tighter space.
  • It’s also possible a product owner still believes it’s the year 1999 and people don’t know how to scroll.

Either way, it’s about trying to cram low quality content into a page until it becomes a high quality experience, which is not a good plan.

Why tab groups are problematic

  • Many people who use a screenreader don’t know how to operate a tab group with the arrow keys and can miss parts of the content
  • It requires the screenreader user to repeatedly parse the content to consume it
  • It hides content from the user by default and not everyone will notice or know how it works
  • Interaction rates will be exceedingly low for anything but the first tab panel (like a carousel, which is also a bad idea)
  • If users need to compare information across tabs, they cannot

What to do instead

Rather than cramming more content into the page, consider other designs such as:

  • Breaking the page into more concise sections with tight copywriting
  • Putting content inside expander/accordions
  • Using separate pages

Wait, then why are you using tabs on this site?

  • See above: The page has become bloated with content and the designer seeks to condense even more information into a tighter space
  • In this case, the content across tab panels restructures identical information, so there’s no need to see all variations of content
  • The tabs are coded as radio buttons so people using both keyboard or screen readers can quickly understand and operate them

Annotations for tabs

  • There are a too many components to practically annotate
  • Instead, determine if it’s an automatic or manual tab activation and review working examples with your engineers

Annotations for iOS or Android tabs

Automatic or manual tab activation

Tabs can be built to be activated automatically or manually. There are differences in keyboard actions between each type:

  • “Automatic” tabs become activated immediately with the arrow keys
  • “Manual” tabs can receive focus via the arrow keys, but require pressing enter or spacebar

Working examples

Related tab group entries