Given that I am on a screen with
decorative image
1 Keyboard
WHEN I use the arrow key to browse to a decorative image
I SEE it ignores/skips the image completely
Then when I use the ctrl + tab key
I SEE nothing happens because decorative images must NOT be focusable
WHEN I use a screenreader
I swipe to browse to an image
I HEARit ignores/skips the image completely
1 Keyboard actions
When I use
I see/hear
Arrow keys
Ignores/skips the image completely
2 Mobile screenreader gestures
When I use
I hear
Ignores/skips the image completely
3 Screenreader output
I hear
It ignores/skips the image completely
Decorative images are ignored by the screenreader.
Is this image decorative or informative?
If the image is included for purely stylistic purposes and doesn’t impart meaning to the rest of the content on the page, then the image is likely decorative.
Stock images of people are not decorative.
If the image conveys important meaning and no other text on the page explains the content within it, then use informative image.