
Your iOS view frames the foundation of all other components.

By considering accessibility from the beginning, your app will be consumable by a wider range of people, not just those with disabilities.

iOS design conventions vs global experience language

Many enterprises have attempted to apply a global experience language to iOS, Android and Web platforms only to find that each platform isn’t just a different device — it’s a different way of operating.

Let iOS be iOS

Use SwiftUI and UIkit components the way they were intended. Don’t try to cram Web and Android conventions into a place they don’t belong.

For example: iOS has no concept of a checkbox or radio button. Why? Because the Apple seeks minimalisim and simplicity. Why have multiple types of inputs with different states if a button selection will do.

In order to achieve a checkbox or radio input, developers must hack a button to sound like a different control that can never fully achieve the acceptance criteria.

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