This workshop focuses on understanding and removing barriers from the user experience (UX) of people with disabilities.
Mandatory pre-workshop tasks
- Complete these setup tasks for your platform
- Bookmark how to enable/activate them
- Write down the keyboard shortcut next to your machine
- Activate magnification for ChromeOS
- ChromeVox
- It’s also possible to run ChromeVox in Parallels
Apple MacOS
Apple iOS
Automated tools
- Install Chrome Lighthouse accessibility test plugin
- Alternatively, access Lighthouse via Dev Tools
- Don’t use Google products?
Assistive technology: Low vision, motor and blindness (1hr)
This section will introduce you to assistive technologies in a useful order.
Low vision (Interactive)
- This workshop begins with low vision.
- Why? Over half the people who use your products are adjusting default font sizes or contrast on their desktop and handheld devices.
- Go to this page magnify this form and fill it in (Do not use Cmd + to zoom in)
On your own time
- Increase the text size on your handheld or desktop device
Motor (Interactive)
- Motor comes next because keyboard accessibility is pre-requisite for screen readers.
- Testing must be performed with only the keyboard first, before testing with screen readers.
- Try using this page with no mouse
- What’s it like when it doesn’t work?
Automated tools (Interactive)
- Automated tools are important, but can only capture a small fraction of what can be wrong with a Web application.
- Automated tools - Why automated tools can’t be trusted
Blindness (Screen reader demo)
- Using a screen reader - What’s it like to hear the UI
- Video demo
- What’s it like when it doesn’t work?
- Video demo
- Discussion: What is it?
- Semantics
- HTML gives you so much for free. Use it.
- The best ARIA is no ARIA
- Differences in Mobile
- Semantics
UX stands for User Experience
- Product managers: Accessibility isn’t some vague standard, it’s the best way to ensure a good UX for all people (not just those with disabilities)
- Designers: The most important design artifact isn’t the Figma file, or even the annotations. It’s the conversation it facilitates about UX with the devs.
- Developers: Accessibility isn’t about adding tabindex and ARIA, it’s about UX.
Helping people read stuff is good UX
People don’t come here to look at your glorious UI design. They are here to consume words that will solve their own problems.
Workshop 1: Page structure (30min)
- HTML page design criteria
- Header test criteria
- Navigation design criteria
- Main test criteria
- Footer design criteria
- Heading design criteria
- Video: HTML and landmarks training
On your own time
Workshop 2: Alternative text (30min)
Helping people click stuff is good UX
We set expectations visually that help people understand and trust our product. We must do the same for people using a screen reader.
Workshop 3: What is the difference between a link and a button? (1hr)
If it goes somewhere, it’s a link. If it does something, it’s a button.
- Demo: Links & buttons
- Demo: Icon buttons
- Demo: Link names
- Video: Link name and structure
- Demo: Navigation examples
- Link design criteria
- Button design criteria
- Navigation design criteria
- Video: Links & buttons training
Helping people have a conversation is good UX
Inputs allow people using our product to talk to us. Our job is to make sure we aren’t making it difficult to speak by choosing the right inputs.
Workshop 4: Text inputs are harder than you think (1hr)
Helping people refine the conversation is good UX
Radio buttons, checkboxes, switches and selects allow you to have a precise conversation with people using the product.
Workshop 5: Input mental models (1hr)
Single selection
Multiple selection
System settings
What is it?
But what happens when a control doesn’t look like one of these?
Sometimes interrupting the conversation is good UX
There are good reasons to stop the flow, but let’s do it the right way.
Workshop 6: Complex content interactions (1hr)
Stopping everything
Intentionally hiding content
Workshop 7: Things going wrong can be good UX (1hr)
Further reading
- Accessibility for individual contributors
- Accessibility for enterprise scale programs